
Showing posts from August, 2018

Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy Review

If your a 90's baby and love gaming you have more than likely heard of Crash Bandicoot whether it be one of the games played on the playstation or playstation 2. For those who have been waiting for a way to play those games on the PS4 this is it. This Crash Bandicoot game is a remastered version of Crash Bandicoot, Crash Bandicoot 2 and Crash Bandicoot Warped. So let's get our controllers ready and jump into this blast from the past!

Until Dawn Review

This game is such a thrill. It is like watching a movie but you get to choose how it ends while also talking to a "counselor" who asks you about your fears and feelings to make it acquainted to your personality making the experience feel as if it is happening in front of you and may I add WITHOUT V.R. On this aspect alone it makes this game a must buy.

Styx:Shards of Darkness Review

This game I borrowed and then bought since I liked it so much. It is a good sneak around and kill people game and of course not recommended for anyone under 18 years old. Now if you like these kind of games it is a real challenge as you have so many different missions. It took a week to beat it but only because i was in between jobs at the time. You can go back after you beat it too to finish undone side missions in different parts of the game and of course do it again. I liked it and give it a 7 out of ten.

Detroit:Become Human Review

I have personally beaten this game twice over and love it. I borrowed it from the library as my funds are quite depleted lately. Although it is a very short game that can be beaten in one day, it is a good "on the edge of your seat" game to play as you go through different characters lives as A.I. robots made to serve humans in a new world. I do advise though not to play this game in front of children as it has some language. I hope you like it too! Thanks for reading my review!

Where have I been?

I realize i haven't posted much in a while i usually just am too busy with life to post much. I have recently been told that all of the mental illnesses put on my record all fold into one illness. That is P.T.S.D. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is not always someone whose been in the military field as many do not understand. It is also common for those who go through traumatic events in there lives to get this mental illness. I have been through a lot I don't talk about on here because I do not like reliving the experience. So therefore I am trying to conclude by saying sorry that I have been away and that I have been taking care of my mental health.