Day turns to night
Night turns to tears
Tears turn to anger
anger turns to desperation
My friend why
Why do this
I say i am here for u
You r determined
U say i cant convice u
I try my best
I am selfish
I want u to live
I love u
Part of my heart aches
I feel broken
I feel that im not helping
I feel uneeded
Like my words r shit
U say fuck life
Stay here plz i beg u
You say who is selfish
the one killing themselves
or the one wanting me to stay here
The answer is me
But i know life is hard
Harder then ever
I cant stop u
I live too far
U live so far away
I wish i could stop u
Wish i could hug u and convince u
Wish i could tell u in person
How much my heart aches
I am crying
You say im not worth crying for
But yet i am balling
My eyes they r red
My heart it is broken
I hope to see u in the morning
I love you Kai

TO MY READERS: If you are reading this please make someones day happy by way of a kind word or hug or even a gift of some sort ,homemade or not, you never know how much just a smile or hug can brighten someones day or even change there mind on things in there point of view.


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